Monday, February 11, 2013


Over 2,000 teenage girls get pregnant every day! That's 750,000 teenage girls each year! Statistics show that fewer than half of the teen mothers receive a high school diploma. Fewer than 2% earn a college degree by age 30. Nearly half of teens have never considered how pregnancy would affect their lives.

Every time I log into my Facebook account, it never fails that I see another young black teenage female pregnant. Many people comment by  saying "Congratulations!" as if this scenario calls for a celebration! NEWS FLASH: IT DOES NOT! Ladies, yes, children are truly a blessing and gift from God. But why does it seem as if I'm the only one that sees something wrong with children having children? We need more lawyers in the courtroom. We need more educators in the classroom. We need more doctors in doctors offices, not just these occupations, but many more. Not saying that you cannot be these things because you are a teen mom, however it become a HUGE challenge for you to do so. Let's post more pictures of A's & B's, instead of babies bumps. Let's make the teen pregnancy rate decrease, and the number of young Black women with college degrees increase. Don't be known as "JoJo's baby mama." Use protection. Refuse to become a statistic!


  1. Preach! It is unfortunate to see how this has become a trend in the lives of today's teens. Babies are gifts from God, but they should not be conceived and born until the young teen can truly call herself a grown woman, which means she is no longer a dependent, and she financially, physically, mentally, and emotionally dedicate her life to a child for the next 18 years.

  2. I'm glad you decided to write on this! The most important thing one can understand is that everyone is a role model in their own way. Children 16 and under worship college students and if they see us praising teenage pregnancy it's pretty obvious what they'll do. I am a firm believer of each one teach one. If we all take time out to teach younger girls about protection and contraception rather than hiding the fact that sex does exist, this huge number of teenage pregnancies will decrease.

  3. Getting condoms as we speak! Awesome post girl!

  4. I'm glad you chose to speak on this topic! We really need to express this to our younger men and women...
